An author's thoughts on researched topics, writing, teaching, and family.

Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

Life goes on…again

I have been having neurological issues. Nothing new, they come around periodically and get really bad every 5 years or so. Went to the Emergency Room Friday as they progressed to a scary level, mimicking a stroke. Happy to say I did not have a stroke or a heart attack :). The ER dr (and the other 2 neurologists from the other bad times) said it sounds like MS. None of the tests have come back positive, but they can not think of anything else it could be. I have an appointment with another Neurologist on the 14th.

Why am I telling you this? Mainly because these issues have been impairing my ability to do the blog posts I need to do and to write. I am hoping that if they can actually diagnose what it is, they can then treat the symptoms and help me to make my life more livable. I thank each of you that continue to follow me despite my on again, off again situation. Even though I do not always re-blog or click Like, I am reading and keeping up with the blogs that I follow. Though my body is acting up (if it were a child she would have been spanked a long time ago! Time out certainly has NOT been helping.) my mind is still swirling and twirling, craving knowledge and stimulation. You have all helped to keep me sane 🙂 Thank you. ❤

It’s been a while, but I’m still here :)

We finally moved into our new house in November. A long time ago, you say? Yes, I know. But I literally just unpacked my “office” and “sewing room” today. I finally have a desk! And, I found all of my writing stuff. So, hopefully, you shall see more from me from now on. I hope you stuck with me. If so, thanks for that. I appreciate it. I have missed my writing :(.


Life update

Well, the housing ordeal is coming to an end this month. We are closing on the new house at 1pm today and will move in this weekend. We are closing on the old house end of November. Finally, I can get back to writing and blogging. Despite not being able to make progress on my novel and not having time to create or read blogs, I have been working on my novel. I have 12 additional chapters outlined, so once the house is settled, I will be writing furiously! Thank you to those who have stuck with me while I have worked through this major change in my life. I miss my babies every day, but I am proud of them beyond measure!

Life is returning to an even-kilter (sort of)

I know I have been absent for a bit. I feel really bad, and I miss my blog. But life has been wonky for a bit now. We FINALLY have our house ready and it is on the market. Now, we are keeping it ready for showings and rushing to get the dogs out of the house so people can walk through and admire all of our hard work. So please bear with me a bit longer. Once we have a contract OR I get comfortable and in a rhythm for this showing thing, I promise that I will get back to sharing the wealth of knowledge that so many others much more clever than I have discovered (and of which I was clever enough to find interesting). ❤ Great blessings upon you all!


Thank you for your patience during my long silence. The youngest of our children went off to college and we decided to downsize our house. We had expected to have until Jan to get it all done, but it has turned into 2 weeks to get everything out of the house, paint, change floors, fence, etc. One week down, one to go. Not sure if we will meet the realtors dead-line to get it listed, but we are giving it our best shot. Once we get all this work done, I hope to have more time to focus on the blog–at least, until it is time to move into the new house beginning of November. Thanks for sticking with me!