An author's thoughts on researched topics, writing, teaching, and family.

How to write a blurb

For those of you who have finished that amazing novel and are now ready to move to the next step, this blog post walks you through the process of creating that “blurb” on the back of the book. This is an important step as it can also be the first paragraph of that all-important query letter. I found the letter to be almost as hard as writing the novel–almost. This blog is a great help!

The Jane Doe Novel Experiment

If you stopped breathing out of panic, or gritted your teeth in frustration, relax. I’m not going to tell you what you already know: what a book blurb is and what it is suppose to include. Ok, I will start with that, but the goal of this post is to give you ideas on how to get your creative juices following to actually write your own.

What does a book blurb do? It sells your book. It sells your book because it sparks your potential readers’ interest enough to take your book to the cash resister (or download) so they can read how your blurb develops inside of the cover.

What to include:

1) The main character(s)

2) The plot

3) The (main) challenge

4) Possible bump in the road


What to aim for:

Read this carefully:

Rule 1: Tell no more about your story than it takes to capture your readers’ interest.

We know…

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